A transdisciplinary research hub

The creation of the Health Hub – Policy, Organizations, and Law (H-POD) is built upon significant institutional assets in the development of knowledge and expertise in healthcare systems at the University of Montreal. These assets include the Canada Research Chair in Healthcare Systems Design and Adaptation (held by Jean-Louis Denis), the Canada Research Chair in Collaborative Culture in Health Law and Policy (held by Catherine Régis), and the Research Center of the University of Montreal Hospital Center (CRCHUM), as well as the Faculty of Law of the University of Montreal, the School of Public Health (ESPUM), and the Public Law Research Center (CRDP).

Canada Research Chair in Healthcare Systems Design and Adaptation

The Canada Research Chair in Health System Design and Adaptation aims to study reforms, governance, and the organization and operation of the healthcare system with the goal of enhancing its capacity for innovation and adaptation. The primary objective of the Chair's research program is to understand the key factors and processes involved in the design, implementation, sustainability, and scaling of innovations or changes that have a significant impact on improving healthcare systems. Specifically, the research program of the Chair revolves around three main areas.

  • Comparative analysis of healthcare system reforms and transformation capabilities to gain a better understanding of the evolution of reform policies and the challenges and opportunities in the context of healthcare system transformation and improvement.
  • Examination of the role of healthcare professionals, especially the role of the medical profession in the evolution of healthcare policies and systems, the development of care networks, collaboration among professionals, and the role of healthcare organizations in the context of change and improvement.
  • Study of innovation dynamics in the healthcare system, including the role of artificial intelligence and digital innovation in healthcare, the processes of innovation diffusion, and innovation design.

Canada Research Chair in Collaborative Culture in Health Law and Policy

L’objectif général de la Chaire sur la culture collaborative en droit et politiques de la santé est de mieux comprendre et de modéliser le défi de la collaboration au sein des systèmes de santé, un enjeu ayant des retombées concrètes et notables sur leur viabilité. Dans son volet de recherche fondamentale, la Chaire cherche à approfondir la compréhension des enjeux et des facteurs de collaboration au sein des systèmes de santé. Cette compréhension des facteurs de coopération a des retombées directes en matière d’ingénierie des politiques publiques, en permettant une activité de régulation sociale basée sur une analyse plus fine des facteurs qui inhibent ou favorisent les collaborations souhaitées au sein du système de santé. Dans son volet de recherche appliquée, la Chaire incorpore le modèle collaboratif qui découle de son volet de recherche fondamental à travers différents projets de recherche spécifiques comme : l’innovation numérique (incluant l’intelligence artificielle), les partenariats émergents privé-public de financement et de fourniture de soins et services; les mécanismes de prévention et règlement des différends qui doivent soutenir une gouvernance collaborative; la collaboration interprofessionnelle, inter-institutionnelle et inter-étatique dans le secteur de la santé.