The project benefits from an interdisciplinary and international team of researchers
Colin Gavaghan est Professeur à l’Université d’Otago et directeur du New Zealand Law Founddation Centre for Law and Policy in Emerging Technologies.
Jeanne Snelling est Professeure à la Faculté de droit de l’Université d’Otago.

Hugo Muñoz is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law at Universidad de Costa Rica.

Florian Kastler has a Doctorate in Public Law from Paris Descartes University and is a researcher at Institut droit et santé from l’Université de Paris. He occupies the Administrateur de l'État post at the Ministère des Solidarités et des Personnes handicapées.

Pamela Laufer-Ukeles is a Professor of Law and Health Systems Administration at the Academic College of Law and Science in Hod Hasharon, teaching feminist legal theory, bioethics, health care reform, and elder law among other subjects.

Colin Gavaghan is the Director of the New Zealand Law Foundation Centre for Law and Policy in Emerging Technologies and is a Professor at University of Otago.

Jeanne Snelling is a researcher and lecturer at University of Otago.

Olivier Guillod is a Professor at the Faculty of Law of Université de Neuchâtel and director of Institut de droit de la santé.

Mélanie Lévy is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law at Université de Neuchâtel.

Sandra Hotz is a Professor at Université de Neuchâtel.

Katherine Ginsbach is an associate at the Center for Transformational Health Law at the O’Neill Institute.

Katie Gottschalk is the executive director of the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law and visiting Law Professor at Georgetown University Law Center.

Kashish Aneja is a consultant at the O’Neill Institute, where he utilizes his global legal expertise to support the development of the COVID-19 Law Lab and the HIV Policy Lab.