Daniel Weinstock

Vice-doyen à la recherche, Université McGill

Daniel Weinstock est Professeur titulaire et Vice-doyen à la recherche à la Faculté de droit de l’Université McGill. Il est aussi titulaire de la Chaire Katharine A. Pearson en société civile et politiques publiques.

Daniel Weinstock

Vide-Dean, McGill University

Daniel Weinstock is a Full Professor and Associate Dean (Research). He also holds the Katharine A. Pearson Chair in Civil Society and Public Policy in the Faculties of Law and of Arts. Professor Daniel Weinstock's research interests have spanned widely across a wide range of topics in contemporary moral and political philosophy – from the just management of ethnocultural and religious diversity in modern liberal democracies, to state policy with respect to children, families, and educational institutions. His main research interests at present have to do with the problem of health equity, and with issues of justice and inclusion as they arise in the organization of modern cities.